Congratulations to Bruno Grandjean, General Manager of Pôle Véhicule du Futur (France). He has been confirmed as EACN President for the nest two years during the extraordinary EACN Executive Board …
Clust-ER Meccatronica & Motoristica from Italy joins the European Automotive Cluster Network EACN
With Clust-ER Meccatronica & Motoristica, based in the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy, who joined EACN in December 2022, the network now represents 25 clusters from 13 European countries. Welcome to …
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
The EACN Team and clusters are looking forward to an exciting new year with many interesting activities and projects.
High visibility of EACN during the EU Cluster Conference in Prague
The Czech Ministry for Industry and Trade under the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Commission, supported by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), organised …
Press release: EACN warns of increasing fragility of automotive suppliers
The European Automotive industry faces various challenges such as electrification, autonomous driving, changing behaviours of customers, or industrial modernisation to meet digitalisation and greening expectations. These challenges are now topped …
EACN discussed the impact of the war in Ukraine
Wednesday 23 March 2022 took place the first EACN Coffee Break. About 20 colleagues from EACN members across Europe discussed the impact of the Russian invasion in Ukraine on the …
Newsletter March online
The EACN Newsletter March 2022 is now online.
Solidarity with our colleagues from Ukraine
The members of the European Automotive Cluster Network wish to express their solidarity with the colleagues and their families from the Ukrainian automotive and mobility cluster and ecosystem, with those …
EACN clusters join forces for future eDIHs
On 21. February 2022, the following EACN member clusters signed a Memorandum of Understanding about their future collaboration in the framework of European Digital Innovation Hubs (eDIH): Pôle Véhicule du …
FACYL – Spanish Automotive Cluster from Castilla y León joins EACN
FACYL is the automotive cluster bringing together stakeholders representing the whole automotive value chain in the Spanish region Castilla y León. Members include OEMs, such as Renault, Nissan, or Iveco, …