On 7-9 May 2024, the European Commission organised the European Cluster Conference 2024 (ECC2024) in Brussels: three exciting days.
ECC2024 was again the place to be to meet clusters from across Europe and abroad, to network, to exchange ideas, to have learn about European topics, such as DigitalTransition or GreenTransition. It was also an opportunity to contribute ideas to the development of future cluster policies for the next Multiannual Financial Framework.
EACN had been given several possibilities to concretely contribute to the success of the conference:
- EACN President Bruno Grandjean presented ‘Driving the Green Transition: Fostering Sustainable Innovation in the Automotive and Industrial Sectors’ during the Forum of National Cluster Associations side event
- EACN Secretary General Thomas RÖHR participated in a round table about meta-clustering
- Thomas Röhr also shared EACN insights about benefits of cluster collaboration to a high level group of the European Council
- Presentation of EACN at the EACN booth in the exhibition floor
We also met
- many interesting clusters and companies, such as, e.g.,
- Lithuanian Automotive Export Association, Lithuania;
- automotiveland.nrw, Germany;
- MoWin/Regionalmanagement Nordhessen GmbH, Gemany;
- ZONE Cluster, Hungary;
- Food Technologies Digitalization LT Cluster, Lithuania;
- Basque Country Mobility and Logistics Cluster, Spain;
- CTA | Innovation Management, Spain;
- VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, Germany;
- Clúster FEMAC, Italy;
- Cluster IDiA, Spain;
- Mobile Heights, Sweden
- and many others
- and people from the European Commission, and especially Marek Przeor, Team Leader at European Commission, who again perfectly organised the conference
But for EACN this was also a perfect occasion for colleagues and friends from its members to meet, discuss, and have fun.

We are looking forward to the next European Cluster Conference!