EACN welcomes the initiative launched by the European Commission to discuss about the future of the European automotive industry.

This strategic dialogue brings together 22 key stakeholders and the European Commission and aims at preparing an action plan to be published on 5 March.

EACN nevertheless invites the European Commission

  • to welcome Tiers-2 and public actors, such as the, e.g., Automotive Regions Alliance
  • to consider the heterogeneity of the automotive sector and ensuring the Automotive Action Plan will serve all European companies, regions, and academia/R&D and
  • to look on the sector with all its interdependencies with other industries (steel, energy, …).

EACN also suggests addressing the following topics in the Action Plan:

  • Include interdependencies between the automotive and other industries
  • Stop the decline of the European supplier network as backbone of the automotive industry
  • Create incentives to boost sales of vehicles with local European content
  • Stimulate next generation automotive technologies
  • Strengthen re- and upskilling of the workforce
  • Ensure effective protection against unfair commercial practices

Discover the full joint EACN contribution to the strategic dialogue: