With Clust-ER Meccatronica & Motoristica, based in the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy, who joined EACN in December 2022, the network now represents 25 clusters from 13 European countries. Welcome to our new member.

Clust-ER Meccatronica & Motoristica totals more than 130 public and private companies, research centres, training organisations and institutions. The cluster aims at supporting the competitiveness of the automotive and mechatronic sectors in Emilia-Romagna by involving its members around 8 value chains, with some specific focus on autonomous driving, electrification systems and sustainable mobility.
Together with other 10 clusters, it is part of the regional innovation ecosystem coordinated by ART-ER, the Emilia-Romagna consortium for innovation and technology transfer. Discover the cluster through the website https://mech.clust-er.it/en/