Around the turn of this year, EACN could welcome three new members. Welcome to

1️⃣ ACstyria Mobilitätscluster from Raaba-Grambach/Graz in Austria. ACstyria Mobility Cluster represents an ecosystem of more than 300 companies in the areas Automotive, Aerospace and Rail Systems.

2️⃣ VAMOS Ecosystem for Autonomous Mobility in Smart Spaces from Tampere in Finland, an innovation cluster that focuses on autonomous mobility in smart spaces.
and finally

3️⃣ Cluster Mobility & Logistics from Regensburg in Germany, a cluster that actively contributes to the design of new solutions in Mobility and Logistics.
With the new members, EACN now totals 30 clusters from 14 European countries from the automotive sector collaborating to create synergies, to push cluster management excellence, and to initiate collaborative projects.